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"The early years provision is exemplary and as such, children are extremely well prepared for learning in Year 1... Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain... Adults go about their work with energy and enthusiasm... Leaders’ work to develop pupils’ talents, interests and character is exceptional... Pupils thrive at Somers Park Primary School." Ofsted, July 2022
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Somers Park Primary School

Think. know. explain. do.

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4


4EM are taught by Mrs McCracken and Mrs Evans, 4MF by Mrs Fisher and Cedar Class by Mrs Beasley. Our teaching assistants are Mrs Bass, Mrs Needham and and Mr Dudley. PPA time will be covered by Mrs Bass (4EM), Mrs Beddard (4MF) and Mr Dudley (Cedar).   


We are looking forward to an exciting year with lots of learning and great progress being made by all the children.  

Year 4 Team

Homework Expectations 


Spellings are handed out each ​Friday; the following ​Friday the children will write some dictated sentences in class using some of those words. They will not be given a mark. Children should bring in their Spelling book each ​Friday. We want children to use the correct spellings in their work, not just know them for a test, so practising little and often is far better than cramming the night before! Each child has a new login in for Spelling Bee which is on the Literacy Shed website this is on a sticker in their Reading Record.   



Children are provided with Reading Records and are expected to read 5 times per week for around 20 minutes a time. This will help them to develop their vocabulary and understanding of how to write and communicate well. It will also help them to develop strong comprehension and understanding, while hopefully developing a love of English. Reading records should be handed in every day so that we can monitor children’s reading at home.   


Times Tables  

As this year the children will be expected to complete the Multiplication Check towards the end of the academic year, we recommend that they practise their times tables weekly.  



PE for 4EM will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday this term. 4MF’s PE sessions will be on Tuesday (Outdoor) and Thursday (Indoor) and Cedar will be Monday (Indoor) and Wednesday (Outdoor). This half term both 4EM and Cedar class are taking part in Forest School sessions, and this replaces Outdoor PE for the half term. The children will also run the Daily Mile twice a week.  For PE, children should wear their Somers Park coloured Castle T-shirts with black shorts and well-fitting outdoor trainers. They may also wear the black Somers Park PE hoodie if they wish. They must have trainers in school every day.  

Life in Year 4: Follow our class pages on Twitter @SomersPark4EM, @SomersPark4MF and @SomersParkCedar