Curriculum Information
The curriculum at Somers Park Primary School is designed to prepare children to be successful and positive citizens as they move onto the next phase of their education and beyond.
We have wrapped our curriculum up in a simple structure- the Think. Know. Explain. Do. model which summarises the priorities of our curriculum, enabling the children to talk about their learning with confidence.
In our Early Years classes, we follow the Statutory Framework for the Early Years (DFE) and use the supporting materials from Development Matters in the EYFS (Early Education). Pupils learning in EYFS prepares them for future learning at our school.
We prioritise early reading as we know how fundamental this is to all other other learning. We use the Read Write Inc. approach to Systematic Synthetic Phonics.
In Key Stages 1 and 2, our curriculum aligns with the National Curriculum to ensure that our children have the knowledge and skills they require to move onto the next stage in their education, enriched by the Somers Park Think. Know. Explain. Do. curriculum. For a more detailed breakdown of our coverage across the school, our curriculum summary documents for each year group are available as attachments to this page.
At Somers Park Primary School all class teachers are responsible for providing a curriculum that is suitable for all pupils in the class, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) with support from the SENCo. We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Our SEN statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found here:
SEND | Somers Park Primary School (
If you require more information about your child's learning, please contact your child's class teacher, or for general enquiries about our curriculum arrange an appointment with our Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning), Mrs M. Everett, through the school office.