Please take a moment to look through our School Policies below, which are available for download.
Other School Policies can be found in the relevant sections of the school website.
Somers Park Safeguarding Children Policy
Somers Park Anti-Bullying Policy
Walking Home Policy
Somers Park Early Years Policy
Somers Park Behaviour Policy
Somers Park RSE Policy
Somers Park Security Policy
Somers Park Accessibility Plan
Sun Protection Policy
The following policies are produced centrally by MET Academies and can be accessed on the link below
child on Child Abuse Policy
Complaints Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Equalities Policy
Freedom of information policy
Admissions Policy for all schools in MET
Appeals process information -
Health and Safety Policy
For information relating to GDPR, how we hold your information and how to request to see this information, please refer to the MET website