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"The early years provision is exemplary and as such, children are extremely well prepared for learning in Year 1... Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain... Adults go about their work with energy and enthusiasm... Leaders’ work to develop pupils’ talents, interests and character is exceptional... Pupils thrive at Somers Park Primary School." Ofsted, July 2022
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Somers Park Primary School

Think. know. explain. do.


Welcome to Reception


In Reception, we have three classes in total. RAW taught by Miss Ward, RHW taught by Mrs Woolley on our Somers Park site located next to Swallow Woods, overlooking the school’s playing fields in a spacious log cabin. Oak class, taught by Mrs Bagnall, are based at our new build on Malvern Vale site. We have a wonderful view of the Malvern Hills which offer the perfect location for children to be involved in a fully integrated indoor and outdoor learning experience.  These distinct settings allow the Early Years Curriculum to be embraced within unique and inspiring environments.


Reception Team


Mornings in Reception involve two whole class learning sessions dedicated to problem-solving, reasoning and numeracy and communication, language and literacy. Both daily whole class sessions are followed up with adult-guided group sessions which develop and extend the skills taught in the whole-class sessions. The children will have at least two adult-guided group activities per day. Children who are not in adult-guided groups are able to free-flow across the building and to the outside where the continuous provision areas are set up with activities matched to the weekly learning objectives. They are also provided with the opportunity to complete Rainbow Challenges during this time. All Reception children also have a daily session of Phonics and Oracy.


Afternoons in Reception are topic based and are delivered in groups led both by teacher and teaching assistant. Afternoon sessions cover areas of learning in Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Knowledge and Understanding of the World and Creative Development. We also think about Cultural Capital and British Values as part of our 'Worldly Wednesday' sessions.


We have a morning per week for PE sessions, covering units of work in dance, gymnastics and games. This is followed by guided reading and jotter time. We then have a PSHE session with Jigsaw Jennie. We dedicate an afternoon a week for outdoor learning and also have a weekly music session.

Homework Expectations


It is expected that your child will bring home a sharing book to read together three times a week.  You will be notified once they are ready to join the reading scheme and at this point your child will bring home a phonics book each Friday to keep for a week and read each day at home.  The phonics book sent home will be reflective of the phonics taught at school.



This will be sent home each Friday which will cover the weekly learning from our phonics session.


PE and Outdoor Learning

At Somers Park site this will be every Friday and at the Malvern Vale site it is on a Thursday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit suitable for physical and outdoor activities. Wellies and waterproofs should stay in school at all time. These will be sent home each half-term for cleaning or replacing. 

Welcome Meeting for Parents - 2024

Life in Reception: Follow our class pages on Instagram: Somersparkreception