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"The early years provision is exemplary and as such, children are extremely well prepared for learning in Year 1... Pupils are exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain... Adults go about their work with energy and enthusiasm... Leaders’ work to develop pupils’ talents, interests and character is exceptional... Pupils thrive at Somers Park Primary School." Ofsted, July 2022
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Somers Park Primary School

Think. know. explain. do.

Trauma Informed Schools

TISUK- Trauma Informed Schools UK- is a nationally renowned programme that enables training on trauma and mental health concerns in young people. Miss Edkins has recently undertaken training to gain a Diploma in Trauma and Mental Health-Informed Schools and Communities: Practitioner status.


The training provided key insights into the psychology and neuroscience of mental ill-health and challenging behaviour alongside vital tools and techniques in knowing how to respond to a child’s narrative of painful life events. The knowledge gained will now enable us to have appropriate conversations with students showing empathy and attuning to their thoughts/feelings in order to validate what they may have been through.


As a school, we will now embed the knowledge with all staff over the coming academic year, enabling us to develop whole school cultures where well-being and being mentally healthy are the highest priorities.

PACE- playfulness, acceptance, curiosity, empathy