Wraparound at the Malvern Vale site
WRAP AROUND NUMBER (line open between 3:20pm and 6pm): 07375 062 822
N.B. All of our wrap-around care runs during term-time only.
Breakfast Club runs from 7:45am until the start of school and offers a choice of healthy breakfast options. Breakfast is served to the children in a ‘family’ style seating arrangement. The children are encouraged to use their manners and to talk to the other children on their table. Breakfast is then followed by a group activity sessions until school begins.
After-School Club runs from the end of school until 6pm. Children can be booked in for one hour, two hours or the full session. The children are provided with a number of activities to choose from including traditional games, sports, reading, forest school, ICT, craft and cooking. There is also a quiet area for children to relax after a busy day at school. Activities on offer change on a weekly basis and the children have an input in to what kinds of activities they would like to do.
For more information and to make an enquiry about booking your child into wrap around care, please contact Mrs Holdham in the school office or via the Wrap Around email, sppswraparound@metacademies.org.uk
N.B - If children are staying in after-school wrap around past 4:20pm, it is recommended that they bring along a small snack to keep them going.
Late arrivals: Charge for collecting pupils later than agreed
£6 for the first 15 minutes
£12 thereafter for up to 30 minutes
Charges for wraparound sessions will be made on daily basis and any amount billed can be viewed in your child’s ParentPay account. We kindly ask that all fees are settled using the ParentPay system (either by card or bank payment). Alternatively, you can arrange a Childcare Voucher payment directly to the school and the amount will be credited to your child’s ParentPay account within 7-10 working days.
ParentPay | Somers Park Primary School (somersparkschool.org.uk)
We recommend that you add funds to your child’s ParentPay account in advance of any wraparound session taking place to avoid your account going into arrears. In the event that accounts do fall into arrears, we reserve the right to remove your child’s place when balances exceed £200. Persistent non-payment or late payment, will result in your child’s place being removed with immediate effect.
Whilst we fully understand that changes are sometimes necessary we respectfully request that you give us 4 weeks notice of any changes or cancellations that are required to your child’s provision to avoid being charged. Spaces for any AdHoc provision are limited but we will endeavour to accommodate extra sessions whenever possible.
We also can't offer refunds for days that a child is absent due to illness.
Extra-curricular clubs
If your child attends extra-curricular clubs during the school year, their place in after-school wrap around care can only be kept with full payment for the hour to hold the space.